Come up with and ask questions about the assignment
(It's a difficult task, but you can do it.)
Imagine that you are doing an interview about the conservation of the natural environment. Select one plant or animal that you would like to ask questions about its role in the environment. It can be any kind, and it doesn't have to be unique or known to everyone.
Choose an object that you are familiar with or that inspires you, as this will allow you to better prepare for the interview.
Your task is to select five actions from the list and come up with a variety of questions using each of the selected five actions.
For example: if you select a tree, you must ask it five questions using each of the selected actions.
Examples of questions:
• How are you adapted to climate change?
• How do you protect your environment?
• What supports you in preserving biodiversity?
• How do changes in the environment affect you?
• How do you move around in search of new habitats?
(In order not to forget the questions, write them down at the link below)
List of actions:

• Adapt

• Protect

• Support

• Change

• To influence

• Join

• Multiply

• Move around

• Buy

• Protect

• Explore

• Adjust

You can practice asking these questions with the help of relatives or friends

Compiled questions
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